Monday, July 7, 2008


Dear all,
I had written this poem very long back in 1997-98 and wish to share it will you all.
This poem talks about the unimaginable strength of a strong belief alias 'Faith' in the ability to make things happen. Read on.....

ð Faith is a guiding stick
Seeing you through thin and thick.
Faith is a strong belief,
Which sets in you a sigh of relief.

ð Faith is ever-lasting and strong,
Whose healing effect you seem to throng.
Faith is abounding and unending,
Leaving no restless hearts pending.

ð Strong faith never lets you down,
Drowning all ghostly hurdles in your soul-town,
Proving them all to be hollow,
That finally they seem to fade and get mellow

ð Faith is deeper than the depth of great oceans,
Faith is omnipotent in unleashing your best emotions.
Faith is larger than the magnanimity of our galaxy,
Faith lies at the bottom of your heart in sheer ecstasy.

ð Faith tests your innermost wits,
And during those trying times you seem to knit -
Doubts and wild thoughts of desperation,
Rupturing all your dreams and aspirations.

ð Life’s picture, at once, appears distorted,
While the joy within you is evacuated.
That’s the time you should pick up your cheerful hat,
And throw your exasperated mind under a doormat.

ð Only then will you see the awesome dawn of tomorrow,
Or gush at viewing the fleeting maiden of Sorrow,
Paving the way for the victorious Lady Glory,
Singing to the flowers her wonderful story.

ð Of fame, fortune, thirst and hunger,
Of sunshine, mist, rain and thunder.
The reason why the Lady survived -
Was your undoubting faith in her on which she thrived.

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