Ø One night as I gazed out of the window,
I saw that a slight breeze was blowing across mellow.
While the moon played a hide and seek with the clouds,
I yearned to discover the tremendous potential in me, shout loud.
Ø Through all the seasons of the year,
I dreamt of growing bigger.
But each time I tried,
I was pulled down by the attack of a dagger,
Which in various forms during different phases of each day,
Created a sense of sorrow and hopelessness, resulting in my loss of pathway.
Ø While my mind pondered further, I realized,
That I was living a dream state that has been unrealized,
That a time would come when I would fly,
And chirp sweeter tunes, filling the universe with inspiration, with every try.
Ø The right opportunities will surely knock doors at the right time,
For a highly spirited individual, who has the patience to wait for God’s chime.
The one who will wait till eternity to realize dreams,
To ensure that a message of brilliance is spread through a powerful stream.
Ø So while I look within, I have one message to give you my friend,
That much of life’s drama is yet to unfold and mend.
Live each moment with zest and zeal,
For the power of the freedom to fly, is about to explode within, for you to heal.